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How we are helping

Here you’ll find out how we help people in fuel crisis. And how we are trying to find long-term solutions to the problem.

Why we are needed

Our vision is a United Kingdom in which everyone can afford to pay to heat their homes and cook their meals. Sadly, this isn’t the case today. 

When people who prepay for fuel run out of money, they are simply left without. No heating. No lighting. No hot food. No hot water. This is fuel crisis.

We have already helped over half a million people in fuel crisis, but there is still so much more work to do. 

On this page you’ll find out how we help people in fuel crisis. And how we are trying to find longer-term solutions to the problems our clients face.


How we are helping

The practical solution to the immediate problem of fuel crisis is money. 

We give emergency financial support to households identified as being in fuel crisis. This gives them vital breathing space to help them get back on their feet. 

But, we know that this is not a long term solution to this problem. 

Policy change at government level will be required. Which is why we are also working hard to actively raise awareness in the press and lobbying politicians and regulators.


These are some real examples of people in fuel crisis: 

Mandy has a job interview today, but she can’t afford to heat water for a shower beforehand. 

John’s energy usage should be at its highest right now because it’s winter, but he can’t afford to heat his home or cook a hot meal for his family. 

They‘ve completely run out of money to pay for fuel. They’ll have exhausted all other options. And have nobody to turn to. 

So we can help with emergency financial support at such times. We also give advice and support to help improve their financial situation in the longer term. To do so we need to identify those households who most need help. Our country-wide network of trusted support partners help us do just that.



partners nationwide


people supported


fuel banks centres

96% of people supported were having to choose between heating and eating and 14% were sacrificing hot-food on a daily basis. 

We’ve seen a 75% increase in demand for support since the end of last year and we expect that figure to increase as this year’s massive energy price increases are felt.

96% of people supported were having to choose between heating and eating and 14% were sacrificing hot-food on a daily basis. 

We’ve seen a 75% increase in demand for support since the end of last year and we expect that figure to increase as this year’s massive energy price increases are felt.

It is vital that we get the message out to those who we could help. And to those who can help us – potential partners, fuel banks and advice agencies.

Broadcasting the message

We estimate that we currently reach around 8-12% of people who need our support. So it’s vital that we get the message out to those who we could help. And to those who can help us – potential partners, fuel banks and advice agencies. The problem of fuel crisis in the UK is not new; it’s growing and it’s not being solved. To do so would require meaningful government intervention, so we are broadcasting our message as loud, clearly and often as we can. 

We do this primarily through press releases, newspaper articles and radio interviews with the Head of Fuel Bank Foundation Matthew Cole. Matt has been interviewed many times by many high profile radio shows.


Matt has appeared on:

  • Radio 4’s PM with Evan Davis
  • LBC with Eddie Mair
  • Radio 4’s You & Yours with Winifred Robinson
  • Scotland Tonight
  • BBC Radio: Stoke, WM, Hereford & Worcester, Three Counties, Lancashire, Manchester, Sheffield, and Humberside
  • Times Radio
  • Capital and Smooth


Fuel Bank Foundation has been featured in:

Sunday Mirror, BBC News, Utility Week, Metro, ITV News, The Scotsman, i, Scottish Housing News, The Herald, The Sun.


The problem is now so big that Fuel Bank Foundation and the energy suppliers cannot solve it alone;  Government action is needed, and urgently.