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Helping homes in fuel crisis.
Prepaying for energy but not having the money to do so means living without heat and light. We provide people with the financial support and practical advice that they need to get back on their feet.
Prepaying for energy but not having the money to do so means living without heat and light. We provide people with the financial support and practical advice that they need to get back on their feet.
It’s hard to believe that some people in the UK are today living without heat, light and power. This is because they don’t have money to top up their prepayment meter. These people live in cold homes and are unable to cook a hot meal for their family, or have a shower before a job interview. It’s only getting worse. We call this Fuel Crisis.
We have a network of over 750 partners – many are located at the heart of their communities and are organisations like foodbanks, advice agencies, local authorities, and charities. All trusted by the people who turn to them for help. We rely on them to identify people who are struggling to cope. These are people who have fallen through every other safety net, so we provide them with some breathing space by giving approximately two week’s worth of fuel.
(From 1st Sept 2023 – 29th Feb 2024)